Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lili Bernard

El Mambí en la Manigua: My Abuelo José Rodriguez Figueroa,
2007, oil on canvas, 30 in x 48 in


Poster Rodin-Picasso (Battle of the Heavyweights)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Alicia Oliveras

Boxeador, 2007, acrílico sobre lienzo, 50 cm x 50 cm

Samantha Wendell

Riddick Bowe, date unknown, oil on canvas, 48 in x 36 in


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Elio Víctores

Boxer, 2005, mixed media on canvas, 35 in x 67 in


Scot Lefavor

...And this should do it, folks, 2007, acrylic, gel medium transfer on panel, 8 in x 8 in x 1,5 in


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sarack Palinbama for Presidiarent

Richard Campana

La Boxe, date n/a, huile sur panneau, 50 cm x 37 cm

French. Born 1948

Pierre Bonnard, thanks Zoé

El Boxeador (1931) es un cuadro insólito, porque se trata de un autorretrato, con el torso desnudo, brazos replegados, puños crispados, rostro deformado y cabeza hacia delante. La asimetría del cuerpo confunde así como la boca caída del personaje, como si acabara de ser golpeado fuertemente y estuviera tambaleándose. El Boxeador fue pintado de amarillo, sus carnes son amarillas, del mismo color del fondo del cuadro, de paredes descascaradas y tan amarillas como la clara del huevo, y la piel también despellejada. Y sin embargo, pese a la piedad que inpira el boxeador, no hay para nada el más mínimo miserabilismo. Más bien entre el título y el tema de la obra se instala la ironía, la diversión, la risa, sin burla. Bonnard jamás pintó para burlarse. Bonnard hizo de los amarillos y de sus matices, los colores más inteligentes.

Zoé Valdés

Le Boxeur, autoportrait, 1931, huile sur toile, 54 cm x 74 cm

Vicente López. El Cristo revolucionario

“I was in Cuba in 2004, rented a car and drove around the island for three weeks. As you can easily imagine, I saw thousands of political images constantly, all of them trying to convey the message that the Cuban Revolution was more than a political fight. By using the universal values of igualdad, libertad, fraternidad, esperanza, justicia, educación, respeto y la idea de la posibilidad de construir un mundo mejor, the leader of the revolution is made to appear like the new Messiah. The way the leader and the message are represented sounds quite familiar to me. I am a Spanish artist who grew up in Franco’s time. Spain is deeply Catholic, and religion and politics are extremely united. I am very familiar with the manipulation that has constantly surrounded religion and politics for centuries. We now have new examples that try to replace a spiritual fight with a political revolution. However, show us political leaders like the spiritual ones? Ghandi, Jesús Cristo, Confucio, etc. are now el Che, Fidel, Mao, Stalin, etc…..We can not forget that the first leaders created a non-violent revolution with their ideas and the second created change through war and society. This painting represents in fact, how WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE SAME VALUES with different tactics and different leaders and hence, different results….A universal hope for a better society, bienestar, libertad, igualdad, justicia, educación, and respeto, are what we have been fighting for since the beginning of our culture more than two thousand years…and still we are doing, como diria el Che, HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE.” - Vicente Lopez as told to Cultureserve.net.

Contact Vicente.

Claude Yvel

Le Boxeur, oil on canvas, 81 cm x 65 cm

Born Paris, France (1930).

Armando Guerra, Maori Translator


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Portrait of Susy

Portrait of Susy, 2008, acrylic on canvas, 32 in x 32 in

Picasso, Luna and the Reverend Moon on politics and poop

Next Saturday October 4 at 7:00 PM, the exhibition Picasso/Luna opens at the Museum of Art of Fort Lauderdale, FL. The Upcoming Exhibitions page of the Museum website says:

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was one of the true giants in the history of art. His works broke down barriers, ignited controversy, and have influenced artists for generations. This exhibition presents Picasso ceramics from the Museum’s collection paired with ceramics and paintings by South Florida-based artist Carlos Luna (b. 1969), our 2008-2009 Artist in Residence. Picasso’s creative imagination and penchant for folklore and mythologies is explored through the powerful symbolism of Luna’s work, with its rustic Cuban imagery, graphic use of text, and dramatic narrative. Luna’s paintings are distinguished by their painstaking composition, brilliant coloration, and skillfully rendered surfaces, created by a process that alternates the building of layers of paint with scraping and abrading them away. The resulting work exudes a sense of worn wisdom and muscular vitality that is at once, like Picasso’s work, both timeless and fresh.


In May, 1937, while creating his famous mural Guernica, Picasso made his political opinion clear to the world for the first time in his life -in response to General Millán Astray declaring, "Down with intelligence! Long live Death!":

"The war in Spain is a war of reaction -against the people, against liberty. My whole life as an artist has been a continual struggle against reaction and the death of art...In all my recent work, I am expressing my horror of the military caste, wich is now plunging Spain into an ocean of misery and death."


In a recent interview at his Miami studio, Carlos Luna said:

"I'm not an artist from any regime, exile or national. I've always tried to make my art apart from all of that. I've tried to make my career as an independent artist. I'm obviously not in agreement with the political statements of some of the Cuban artists, but I respect the quality they've achieved in their work. I can separate the two, art and politics, even if my own position is completely opposite of theirs."


Reverend Sun Myung Moon, founder and father of the Unification Church once said:

"When I was young I thought that bodily waste should be an object of love. I looked down the toilet and saw the different bits of waste and touched them, thinking, "This is my mother's, this is my brother's," and so on. I thought, "What if I died and had never touched this?"

Yolanda Victoria Fundora

Visual Thinking, eight limited edition prints, 13 in x 19 in each

Yolanda Victoria Fundora was born in Havana and moved with her parents to New York City when she was 17. She attended the College of Visual and performing Arts at Syracuse University, majoring in painting and printmaking. Fundora has designed gift products, toys, hand-crafted glassware, and home textiles for many of America's most well-known manufacturers including: Enesco, Barth & Dreyfus, Cyrus Clark, Ganz, Springs, Villeroy & Boch, Liz-At-Home, Silvestri, Lefton and Goebel,USA. She has designed her own successful line of rag dolls and stuffed toys. Yolanda has created Christmas figurines and ornaments for Dept. 56 and was creative director for the past five years at Peggy Karr Glass (America's premier fused glass manufacturer.) In addition to her work on new designs for FUN@HART, she presently continues with PKG as a contributing designer.

Yolanda's work as a fine art digital printmaker is flourishing with several recent exhibitions and a major one-woman show at the Contemporary Art Museum in San Juan, Puerto Rico from November 5, 2004 to January 23, 2005.


World Boxing Association

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Francisco "Guanabacoa" Sánchez

Perro negro, perro rojo, perro de otra ciudad,2006, acrylic on canvas, 39 in x 55 in

Francisco "Guanabacoa" Sánchez, born Havana, obtained an MFA from the State Arts Institute V. I. Surikov of Moscow (1984) and graduated from San Alejandro Academy in Havana in 1977. Lives and works in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.


Nathalie Letulle

Face à face, éternel combat, (diptyque), 2007, acrylic sur skai, 80 cm x 160 cm


Pedro Ramón Lopez Oliver

El amor en los tiempos de cólera I, 2007, pastel on board, 72 cm x 58 cm

One brief shining moment, 2007, pastel on board, 55 cm x 72 cm

Nació en Santa Clara Cuba en 1945. En 1961 se exilió en Estados Unidos. Ha residido en Wilmington, Miami, San Juan, París, Madrid y actualmente en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Es graduado en Historia (B.A. Florida Atlantic University,1968), tiene una maestría en Asuntos Latinoamericanos (M.A., University of Miami,1970) y en doctorado en Derecho (J.D., Interamerican University 1975). Ha publicado dos libros, uno de cuentos: "¿Te acuerdas de aquello Ofi?", Editorial Playor, Madrid, 1970; y otro sobre política cubana, "Cuba: Crisis y Transición", University of Miami Press, Miami, 1991. En Santo Domingo ejerce como empresario privado y como comentarista de televisión, escribe sobre temas políticos y pinta con fruición la figura de José Martí.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Punch coffee mug

Música a cubanas

La trigueña Encarnación
cuando se pone a bailar
no hace más que tararear
lo que el conjunto interpreta.
Su compañero Tomás
como la conoce bien
le dice con gran desdén:
fíjate que va a llover
y que no puedes correr
por lo estrecho del vestido.

Cambia el paso
que se te rompe el vestido.

Antonio Machín


Oye mima qué tú quieres

yo te lo voy a buscar
un carrito de paseo
te lo quiero regalar

Esas cosas que tú tienes
no las puedo comprender
toditos tus caprichitos
te los quiero complacer

Oye mima te lo voy a regalar

¡Ay! si me pides un besito
te lo voy a regalar a ti
Oye mima te lo voy a regalar

Celio Gonzalez and La Sonora Matancera

Milton with a small sample

Belkis Cuza Malé

Nacimiento de Aries, 2008, mixed media on board, 7 in x 5 in

Born Guantánamo (1942). Lives and works in Fort Worth, TX.

Laurent Joliton

Boxeur, acrylique sur toile, 100 cm x 100 cm


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Carlos Manuel Soto (1955-2007)

Eye that does not see, heart that does not feel, 1998, oil on canvas, 39 in x 78 in

Last November, Tampa Police confirmed that Cuban artist Carlos Manuel Soto commited suicide. A friend found him hanging in his 7th avenue loft in Tampa.
A Cuban exile, Soto had been in the United States since August 2001, enjoying the independence of artistic expression. At the same time, he found himself confronting his dislocation, living daily life, and rapidly realizing the routine of American culture.

Soto had been active as an exhibiting artist since the early 1970’s. For more than a decade, as a Cuban intellectual, he was forced to live with persecution, harassment, and detentions by the political police of the Cuban government.

He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from the Superior Pedagogical Institute (Enrique Jose Varona) in Havana. Then in 1991, from the same school, he was advised to drop his bachelor studies in fine art, for being a student whose ideals formed political and aesthetic viewpoints not in accordance with the institution. As an artist in Cuba, he was increasingly prohibited (1991-2001) from exhibiting in public facilities funded by the Cuban State as well as in privately owned galleries.

Soto's art reflected upon the themes of exile, culture, and identity. He explored the manner in which displacement reinforces and transforms cultural identity. His personal exhibition at Brad Cooper Gallery in Ybor City in 2003 included both work from his days under totalitarian context, and several selections from the recent experience of living with an American ideology.


Antonio Laglia

Pugile, 2003, oil on canvas, 80 cm x 50 cm

Born Rome, Italy, 1954. Lives and works in Rome

Cuban Fighters

Dal 15 Aprile al 8 Maggio: In esposizione quadri di artisti Cubani
Renè Romirez del Rio: nato a Cuba nel 1957. Allievo e scuola di ispirazione del grande maestro Lam. Pittore eclettico e di assoluta padronanza tecnica nell’eseguire opere uniche ed irripetibili.
Julio A. Mèndez: nato a Marianao de la Habana nel 1947. Pittore di estrema sensibilità nell’unire colori caraibici, e sostanze naturali a rilievo, nella sua casa ben protetta agli sguardi, vivesse rinchiusa questa dirompente forza della natura.
Ana Gladys Falcòn: nata a Matanzas il 21 Luglio 1964. Diplomata nel 1983 alla scuola nazionale delle Artes Plàstica spezializzata in Pintura, Debuyo y Grabado. Esercita come insegnante dell’ Escuela Vocacional de Artes de Matanzas.

Paul Ordner. Poster Cerdan-Williams

Marcel Cerdan-Holman Williams, 1946
(Collection MNS, France)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Für Amalia

Yunayka guapeando en Tecate.

Obras de Yunayka Martín

Tecate is just steps from Yumayka. I was there once with El Barnizador Humeante, circa 1992. Famous beer and too early last bus to Ensenada. Not particularly recomended.


Pure Logics. Mucho indio en el coco.

Santiago de Cuba, Sun Path Diagram.

Gladys Triana

Plug Extension, 2002,
Series: Cada vez, es ahora (I am working here),
print on archival matte paper with archival pigment,
10 in x 7.75 in
(Lehigh University Art Galleries Collection)

Gladys Triana was born in Camagüey, Cuba, in 1937, and since 1975, resides in New York City. She completed her BA at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York; (1976) and MA at Long Island University, New York; (1977). She studied print making at the San Fernando University in Madrid, Spain (1970-1972). In 1993 she received the Cintas Fellowship.

Francesco Toraldo

Pugile, 2004, oil on canvas, 18 in x 27 in

Catanzaro, Italia (1960)
La ricerca artistica di Toraldo e' certamente un processo che vede la lezione cubista ricondotta dalla sua originaria strutturalita' statica all'interno del dinamismo futurista.


A sugerencia de Chago, Metro Atocha.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Luigi Castiglioni. Affiches de boxe

Luigi Castiglioni choisit de placer au centre de ses compositions l’image du gant. C’est elle qui vient représenter la boxe. Le sport devient mythe : il efface les repères temporels et spaciaux. Est-on avant, pendant ou après le combat ? Le ring existe-t-il encore ? L’artiste nous raconte un récit merveilleux et le boxeur devient héros.

Pourtant, le boxeur lui-même est caché par le gant. Ce n’est plus le sportif qui compte mais son
geste. L’artiste s’applique donc à décrire le mouvement, l’élan et la puissance qui font du boxeur un homme hors du commun.

Odlanier "La Sombra" Solís

Thank God

Suleiman Mohammed, Mombasa:

I thank God for accepting our prayers.

Raciel Gómez Golpe

Pieza 61, 2005, charcoal on canvas, 100 cm x 70 cm

Born 1978 in Havana, Cuba. Sculptor and painter. Lives and works in Guanabacoa, Havana.