Monday, November 2, 2009

The Singh Twins

The Greatest (from SPOrTLIGHT Series)

London born twin sisters Amrit and Rabindra are contemporary British artists of
International standing whose award winning paintings have been acknowledged as
constituting a unique genre in British Art and for initiating a new movement in the
revival of the Indian miniature tradition within modern art practice. Describing their
work as Past - Modern (as opposed to Post Modern), their work engages with
important areas of critical debate - challenging existing stereotypes and redefining
generally accepted, narrow perceptions of heritage and identity in art and society.
Combining elements from Western and Eastern aesthetics they assert the value of
traditional and non European art forms to the continuing development of
Contemporary Art practice - exploring cultural, social and political issues of global
significance within a highly decorative, often witty and symbolic style which has
universal appeal and transcends cultural barriers.

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